<![CDATA[Believers in Broadcasting, Inc. - Blog]]>Fri, 10 May 2024 16:51:25 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[Option or Duty?]]>Fri, 18 Nov 2011 08:00:00 GMThttp://wbibfm.com/blog/option-or-dutyAs christians we believe God lives in us.  Our bodies are His home & we should try to make it as nice as possible for Him  The temple of God in Israel was alwys kept immaculate - clean & pure.  It was the most holy & special place of all. So in I Corinthians 6:19 it tells us our body is the temple - so it isn't an option whether we are going to take care of it - It is a duty. ]]><![CDATA[Me Time]]>Thu, 17 Nov 2011 08:00:00 GMThttp://wbibfm.com/blog/me-timeDo you give God your personal time? Many people serve God with their time, talents, money but they miss spending personal time with Him! God wants us to abide in Him not just visit Him occasionally. Galatians 5:16 says "But I say walk ]]><![CDATA[Church Attendance?]]>Wed, 16 Nov 2011 08:00:00 GMThttp://wbibfm.com/blog/church-attendanceSo is attending church an option for the Christian? We all notice people that are not at church on Sundays & Wednesdays.  Well Hebrews 10:24-25 says we need to motivate one another & to not neglect meeting together. So my encouragement to you is that if at all possible get yourself into a good Bible believing church & not just on Sunday morning!  You will be amazed at the blessings you can receive at other times the church doors are open! ]]><![CDATA[Faith Attitude]]>Tue, 15 Nov 2011 08:00:00 GMThttp://wbibfm.com/blog/faith-attitudeWhen I say attitude - Do you think about your faith as being an attitude? Well a good attitude is an attitude of faith.  A lot of times our faith is weak because we can't see the big picture.  People, a very long time ago, used to strap a candle to the end of their foot to be able to see at night when they were walking.  They could only see one step ahead at a time but this worked!  This is all we need to see! If we know too much info we might just be scared to death. God knows what we can handle & what we can't. So have an attitude of faith & take it all one step at a time. ]]><![CDATA[Trouble, Trouble, Trouble]]>Mon, 14 Nov 2011 08:00:00 GMThttp://wbibfm.com/blog/trouble-trouble-troubleWhen trouble comes your way how do you respond?  Do you question why the trouble is there? Why is this happening to me? We shouldn't question why as much as we should question...What can I learn from this trouble?  All trouble should teach you something in the end - you just may have to search for the lesson. ]]><![CDATA[Get Clean?]]>Fri, 11 Nov 2011 08:00:00 GMThttp://wbibfm.com/blog/get-cleanYou can't clean fish until you catch them. Really?  Have you ever thought of it this way before?  How about you can't clean people up until they get saved? Salvation will cause a lot of things in a person's life to happen.  One of those things is that there should be a change in their heart which will cause them to want to change their shirt. ]]><![CDATA[Witness...not me!]]>Thu, 10 Nov 2011 08:00:00 GMThttp://wbibfm.com/blog/witnessnot-meActs 1:8 says "And you will be m witnesses!" We tend to try & help Jesus out in so many ways - but He only asks us to be His witnesses. NOT His lawyers, judges, etc but witnesses. All He asks us to do is tell our story to others. We always react with a comment about not begin good at witnessing to others but you know your own story.  Just tell others about what Jesus has done for you! ]]><![CDATA[Interruptions]]>Wed, 09 Nov 2011 08:00:00 GMThttp://wbibfm.com/blog/interruptionsDon't you get irritated when you get interrupted?  You know you are on a mission & suddenly you have to detour & do something for someone else.  Well a new way to look at these interruptions is that Every Miracle & Great thing Jesus did involved an interruption.  All throughout the gospels people interrupted His preaching to be healed by Him.  Jesus was sleeping in a boat once & the disciples interrupted His sleep because they were scared of the storm so He got up & calmed it.  Jesus would be preaching & people were hungry so He had to stop & feed them & perform miracles of multipling the food.  We complain all the time when we are interrupted but Thanks be to God that Jesus never ]]><![CDATA[Attacked or Attacking?]]>Mon, 07 Nov 2011 08:00:00 GMThttp://wbibfm.com/blog/attacked-or-attackingDo you ever feel you are being attacked? Do you every do the attacking?  In 2 Samuel 16 David was attacked by Shimei.  The attack involved bad words, cruel works & lies.  So how should we respond?  I know how we want to respond but the Bible shows us a better way.  David responded by first saying not to harm his attacker.  His idea was if someone needed to be repaid for doing wrong then God would repay them. Second, when Shimei apologize for his actions David forgave him.  Some people thought that he was trying to save himself but David took it at face value.  We can't know a person's motives but God does.  David's response had an affect on others. Are you practicing the kind f forgiveness that Jesus preaches? ]]><![CDATA[Faith Jealousy?]]>Fri, 04 Nov 2011 07:00:00 GMThttp://wbibfm.com/blog/faith-jealousyAre you jealous of someone else's faith?  I think we have all been jealous of someone in this way before.  Jesus gives us how much faith you need - no more no less.  Remember that a mustard seed of faith can move mountains. Matthew 17:20 A really small amount of faith can do really big things.  Never discount the amount of faith ]]>